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Kultūras portāls




Hell On Wheels Jelgavas Baltajos Kreklos

They bounce once in Riga, club «Depo», then another time in Jelgava, club «Jelgavas Baltie Krekli», then in Kuldiga and finally in Limbazi, independent music festival «Putnudiena 2004». The show is very good musically but Hell On Wheels still need a lot of practice in stage visuals. But as a 10 years old (or maybe young?) band, heaters of The Whitestripes and friends of The Cardigans they gave maximum to the audience and in Limbazi they got it all back.

Swedish Showcase need to be proud of the bands like Hell On Wheels. And I think they actually are. But I am proud of the CD I had from them and still hear the voices singing «What is the influence? Influence is Love!».
Sergejs Bižāns



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